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Understanding Technical Debt: How to Address and Reduce It for Future Projects

clock-iconAugust 30, 2023

In the realm of software development, "technical debt" or its colloquial counterpart, "tech debt," is a concept that developers and project managers often grapple with. It encapsulates the notion that taking shortcuts in a codebase, while perhaps expedient in the short term, can lead to more extensive work later on.

But what does this term really encompass? How does one accumulate such a debt, and more crucially, how can one manage, reduce, or even successfully manage technical debt over time?

What is Technical Debt?

Technical debt, at its essence, points to the added costs of rework that arise when one opts for a quick-fix solution rather than a more comprehensive, albeit time-consuming, approach. Analogous to financial debt, tech debt isn't innately detrimental.

If addressed and managed appropriately, it can even prove to be a strategic advantage. However, without adequate managing and addressing of technical debt, the 'interest' on this debt can become overwhelming.

Technical Debt Accumulation: How and Why It Happens

In the dynamic sphere of software development, the term "technical debt" or "tech debt" is frequently encountered. But what drives its accumulation? Several catalysts come into play:

  1. Quick Fixes: Deadlines and resource limitations can push development teams to resort to quick fixes or shortcuts. These might offer immediate solutions but aren't always the best in the long run, paving the way to accumulate technical debt.
  2. Evolving Requirements: As projects progress and goals shift, previously effective decisions may no longer align with the current needs. This can lead to layers of patches, adding to the complexity and fostering tech debt.
  3. Absence of Documentation: The development team may inadvertently introduce or compound technical debt during subsequent modifications without proper documentation detailing the reasoning behind specific coding choices.
  4. Legacy Code: Sections of the codebase written ages ago, potentially under older standards or by former team members, can contribute to tech debt, especially if they don't integrate smoothly with recent code or methodologies.
  5. Inadequate Testing: Proper testing can pinpoint areas of potential technical debt. Without such thorough testing, inefficient code can easily slip through.

Accumulating technical debt isn't always a reflection of oversight or a lack of expertise. At times, it's a calculated move. By accepting some tech debt, the development team might expedite a pivotal release or achieve a pressing business milestone. The essence lies in recognizing this debt and formulating a strategy to manage and reduce it.

Addressing and Managing Technical Debt

The adage "There's no such thing as a free lunch" resonates deeply when discussing tech debt. Quick solutions, although beneficial momentarily, can have long-term implications. Absent efficient strategies to manage technical debt, the repercussions can intensify, resulting in a convoluted codebase, diminished software performance, or even compromised project deliverables.

As technical debt is somewhat unavoidable, the pertinent question arises: When is the most opportune moment to tackle tech debt? Strategies for technical debt reduction should be ingrained in the development process, ensuring that the team doesn't just avoid technical debt but successfully addresses it at the right junctures.

Technical Debt Causes and Effective Management Strategies


Technical Debt Arising from Swift Deployment

Act Promptly to Manage Technical Debt

In the software landscape, there's a balancing act between swiftly rolling out features and ensuring code quality. Quick deployment can be a potent competitive edge, enabling immediate user engagement and facilitating feedback. Launching a feature swiftly allows your development team to identify technical inefficiencies and rectify issues promptly.

Often, embracing such an approach involves intentionally taking on some technical debt. This "intentional technical debt" is a conscious decision based on weighing the benefits of speed against potential future costs. As long as this decision doesn't lead to impractical timelines, it can be seen as a calculated risk. Rapid deployments, even with their inherent technical debt, can expedite the process of product realization and the understanding of user needs.

It's pivotal that such intentional technical debt isn't left unaddressed for too long. The "get it working, then perfect it" principle should be at the forefront. After the initial deployment, it becomes imperative to hone and address the technical debt. This proactive stance ensures that with incoming feedback, the code remains adaptable and ready for continual refinement and growth.

Technical Debt Due to Evolving Needs

Prioritize by Debt Impact

Technical debt isn't always a byproduct of rapid deployment; it often emerges as the project's requirements evolve. The initial code represents the understanding at a specific moment; as this understanding grows, so should the code.

To effectively manage technical debt in such scenarios, employ a "tackle the most pressing first" strategy. This entails identifying and addressing the most cumbersome and rigid segments of the codebase first.

Remain vigilant for signs of strain in the code—when seemingly simple modifications become excessively time-consuming or a source of frustration. For instance, if a straightforward feature addition demands extensive work, it indicates that the current code setup might not align with evolving needs.

In such situations, allocate time for refactoring, concentrating primarily on areas of the code undergoing frequent updates. Segments that undergo minimal changes annually might not demand immediate attention. If it's functional and seldom altered, it's reasonable to let it be.

When anticipating new features, collaborate with your development team to identify potential refactors before diving into new tasks. Building atop a solid foundation invariably proves more efficient and satisfying than patching up an unstable base.

By zeroing in on the most problematic code segments for technical debt reduction, you optimize both time and resources, ensuring the development team works seamlessly and effectively.

Debt Due to Time Elapse: A Deeper Dive

Addressing Tech Debt Proactively

Technical debt occurs naturally as a codebase matures. With the evolution of languages, the introduction of new frameworks, package deprecations, and the release of security patches, technical debt accumulates. This form of debt, akin to financial debt, can accrue interest over time. Addressing it promptly ensures that the "interest" doesn't compound to unmanageable levels.

It's imperative for teams to proactively manage technical debt. Allocate specific time within the development process each week to tackle this kind of tech debt. Prioritize updates, especially when newer versions of languages or frameworks are available.

Conduct security audits at regular intervals, giving your team the bandwidth to address any vulnerabilities identified. Furthermore, stay updated on third-party packages, upgrading or replacing them as the landscape evolves.

However, repaying tech debt in an aging codebase, especially when outsourced, presents its own set of complexities:

  1. Missing Contextual Insights: Outsourced codes often don't come with detailed code documentation. This absence can make identifying and addressing technical debt challenging due to the lack of original decision-making context.
  2. Varied Coding Practices: Different development teams adhere to distinct coding conventions. These discrepancies can introduce inconsistencies, complicating the task to track technical debt effectively.
  3. Limited Access to Original Coders: Once an outsourcing agreement concludes, interfacing with the original developers might become difficult. This poses challenges in resolving ambiguities.
  4. Mismatch in Technologies: The outsourced entity might have utilized techniques or tools unfamiliar to the in-house team, making the task to manage technical debt more complex.
  5. Unanticipated Expenditures: Aged code can come with unforeseen requirements such as proprietary software or specific setups, adding layers of complexity in managing technical debt.
  6. Tech Evolution: Over time, technological tools evolve. Addressing technical debt might necessitate updating or replacing outdated components originally used.
  7. Cultural and Communication Gaps: Variations in work cultures or communication methods can lead to misinterpretations, inadvertently contributing to technical debt.
  8. Integration Hurdles: Integrating aged outsourced code with new in-house components can be challenging. Addressing this form of technical debt necessitates a profound grasp of both old and contemporary systems.
  9. Measurement Difficulties: Quantifying the effort or cost to rectify issues in outsourced code can be arduous, especially if the intricacies are not entirely known.
  10. Postponed Upkeep: Technical debt in outsourced codes often comes to light during maintenance or while adding features. The longer it lingers, the tougher addressing tech debt becomes.

While intentional technical debt might offer short-term advantages, a clear strategy is crucial to ensure it doesn't hamper the long-term objectives.

Navigating and Minimizing Future Technical Debt


Technical debt, often compared to borrowing money, is a concept that software developers are all too familiar with. Just as unaddressed financial loans accumulate interest, unaddressed technical debt can compound and hinder a project's progress. To prevent the accumulation of such "code debt" and to create a sustainable development process, it's essential to strategize and rethink the architecture of the code.

Embracing Microservices to Address Technical Debt

A potent strategy to reduce future technical debt is to adopt a microservices architecture. In this approach, different sections or modules of the site are developed as independent entities, often referred to as "coding islands." These islands can operate autonomously while still interfacing with centralized shared services.

For instance, essential services such as authentication, A/B testing, navigation bars, and footers become centralized touchpoints. Every module requires these core services, yet developers working on individual islands can work seamlessly by maintaining their centrality. This independence ensures that minor changes or additions to one module don't necessitate a comprehensive rebuild of the entire system.

While it sounds straightforward, this approach involves a meticulous dissection of the entire codebase. Leveraging modern tools can simplify this journey. For instance, using Next.js and React can be instrumental in reconstructing the frontend, while GraphQL, a cutting-edge open-source graph database technology, can be pivotal for revamping the backend.

Gradual Implementation and Debt Reduction

Instead of overhauling everything simultaneously, this approach allows for a phased transition. Begin with a single microservice as a proof of concept. Once validated, you can progressively deconstruct the entire codebase, transforming it into distinct microservices. This strategy not only aids in addressing existing technical debt but also lays a robust foundation to minimize such debt in future developments.

In essence, understanding the types of technical debt and intentionally incorporating strategies like microservices can be key in reducing technical debt. By ensuring each module operates autonomously yet harmoniously, development becomes more manageable and future-oriented, significantly reducing the chances of accumulating technical debt.

How Does WebriQ Address Technical Debt?

WebriQ stands at the forefront of offering state-of-the-art SaaS solutions tailored to cater to the evolving needs of modern businesses. Our platform focuses not only on efficient content management and streamlined development workflows but also on helping teams tackle technical debt head-on.

At the heart of our platform lies the Headless CMS component. This feature is engineered for unparalleled flexibility, enabling businesses to deliver content effortlessly across various platforms. The beauty of it is its independence from any specific front-end presentation layer, which ensures that content remains consistent, adaptable, and manageable across different channels.

Powering our platform is the renowned React framework, a testament to our commitment to providing a dynamic and responsive user experience. By leveraging the strengths of component-based development, WebriQ crafts intuitive and scalable user interfaces, ensuring that the end-users have a seamless browsing experience.

Understanding the crucial role of Continuous Integration and Deployment in modern software development, our platform seamlessly integrates with GIT workflows. This integration ensures that every modification in the codebase is meticulously measured and subjected to rigorous automated tests and reviews. Such a robust process not only facilitates collaboration but also plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of the codebase, making it easier to identify and reduce technical debt.

Moreover, we've incorporated a Top-Tier CDN (Content Delivery Network) into our platform, emphasizing speed, reliability, and expansive reach. With our CDN, content reaches your audience swiftly, irrespective of their global location. This not only optimizes performance but significantly elevates user satisfaction.

In essence, WebriQ provides an optimal foundation, not just for addressing existing technical debt but also for preempting and minimizing its accumulation in future development endeavors.