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Migrate Your Website to a Composable Stack

clock-iconApril 14, 2023

Business websites need to adapt to the times. Today, a composable tech stack makes way more sense than legacy backend systems. So, now the question is: Why and how to migrate from a legacy system to a composable stack? Let's tackle this step by step.

A Shift in Business Thinking and Web Applications

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way web applications are developed and deployed. The traditional monolithic stack, where all components of an application are tightly coupled, gives way to a composable stack. Legacy systems are basically taking a back seat. In this article, we will explore the benefits of migrating your website to a composable tech stack.

A composable stack is an approach to web development that emphasizes the modularization of components. Instead of a single, tightly-coupled monolith, a composable stack is one system composed of loosely-coupled, interchangeable services and functions that can be combined and recombined as needed to create custom applications.

Composable Tech Stack and Modern Business Logic

Composable stack is an emerging software development concept that has revolutionized the way businesses approach building applications. Modern business logic requires software that is flexible, scalable, and able to evolve with the changing needs of the business. A composable tech stack provides a solution that allows developers to build applications using a modular approach, where each component can be independently developed, deployed, and managed.

By adopting a composable architecture for your ecommerce business and websites, modern business owners can quickly build and deploy applications that meet their specific needs. This approach allows businesses to leverage existing components or ecommerce system microservices, which can be combined to create a complete application. By using these building blocks and all the tools related to them, businesses can rapidly respond to changes in the market, quickly develop new features, and improve the overall quality and maintainability of their applications.

Furthermore, a composable stack allows businesses to be more agile and adaptable in a rapidly changing technology landscape as opposed to legacy applications that require so much more time and effort to modify. As businesses continue to adopt new technologies, they can easily integrate them into their composable stack, enabling them and their marketing teams to stay ahead of their competition.

This approach also enables businesses to reduce their development costs, as they can leverage existing system components instead of building everything from scratch. In summary, a composable stack is an essential tool for modern businesses, providing the agility, flexibility, and scalability required to thrive in a rapidly changing technology landscape.

Reasons to Migrate Today


Here are some reasons why you and your marketing team should consider migrating source code from your website to composable elements:

  1. Agility and flexibility: A composable stack allows you to rapidly adapt to changing business needs. It is mission-critical to break down your application into smaller, reusable components. This way, you can easily swap out or upgrade individual services as needed, without affecting the entire application.
  2. Scalability: With a composable stack, you can easily scale individual services independently, which allows you to optimize resource usage and minimize costs. This approach also makes it easier to handle sudden spikes in traffic or demand, without the need for expensive infrastructure upgrades. Looking at this, any migration strategy to composable architecture is easier to manage since the migration process can be done in batches and in a flexible manner.
  3. Interoperability: Composable stacks are designed to be highly interoperable, which means you can easily integrate your application with other services and platforms. This makes it easier to build complex, distributed systems that can communicate seamlessly with each other.
  4. Development speed: By using pre-built, composable components, you can reduce development time and focus on building the core functionality of your application. This approach also allows you to leverage the expertise of other developers and organizations, by using open-source components that have already been tested and refined.
  5. Maintainability: A composable stack makes it easier to maintain your application over time, by reducing the complexity of your codebase and making it easier to isolate and fix issues. This approach also allows you to build automated testing and deployment pipelines, which can help you catch and fix issues before they affect your users.

Staying Ahead of the Curve and Implementing Better Solutions to Performance Issues

To thrive in today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, companies require greater agility and the ability to make informed decisions quickly. As a result, many businesses are turning towards composable technology stacks that offer a perfect balance of flexibility and efficiency while providing an array of powerful capabilities.

The demand for more flexible technology solutions is increasing, driven by both customer demand and business needs. Companies are looking for greater flexibility to create innovative digital experiences that are not hindered by the constraints of legacy technology suites that are no longer effective.

In the post-pandemic renewal phase, businesses that adopt an agile approach are more likely to evolve and thrive, while those that fail to do so are likely to stagnate and ultimately face failure.

A composable technology stack is a modern approach to software development that allows developers to build applications using a modular approach. It is essentially an ecosystem of technologies made up of individual architectural elements, which are integrated to form a comprehensive and robust solution. Each element within the stack is designed to perform a specific function or set of functions and can be easily swapped out or replaced as needed.

This approach offers numerous advantages over traditional software development methods, including improved flexibility, scalability, and maintainability. By using a composable technology stack, developers can choose the best tools for each specific task, rather than relying on a monolithic software suite that may not meet all their needs. Additionally, composable stacks enable developers to build applications quickly and efficiently by leveraging existing components or microservices.

Furthermore, composable technology stacks are beneficial for businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with the rapid pace of technological change. They offer a more agile and adaptable approach, allowing businesses to quickly respond to market changes and customer demands. With a composable technology stack, businesses can remain competitive by creating innovative digital experiences that are not constrained by the limitations of outdated legacy technology suites.

Composable architecture involves breaking down monolithic software suites into individual microservices that are connected via APIs, enabling them to be easily combined and reconfigured to meet the changing digital needs of customers and businesses.

Composable technology is not a rigid mandate, as companies can gradually build and expand their digital capabilities over time. Adopting this approach allows digital teams to not only launch products quickly but also to strategically enhance existing technology capabilities within a business. This approach is highly flexible and adaptable.

While all-in-one platform-based suites can be an ideal solution for meeting diverse business needs, they can sometimes lack flexibility in certain use cases. So how does this translate into real-world scenarios for clients?

Suppose you are a company that manufactures complex products and has multiple brands. In that case, relying on a single monolithic platform to manage your content management system (CMS), e-commerce, and marketing automation needs may not adequately meet all your functional requirements.

These types of environments often lead to Shadow IT, where teams resort to using unauthorized technologies to work around the limitations of legacy systems and bureaucratic procedures within departments. This results in teams working under the compliance radar to get things done.

Two Main Use Cases

In a composable stack, you have two main use cases, composable content, and composable commerce.

What is composable content?

Composable content refers to content that is modular and flexible, designed to be easily combined and recombined to create customized digital experiences. It is a content strategy that emphasizes the creation of reusable content components that can be mixed and matched to create a variety of experiences across different channels and devices.

Composable content is often managed using a headless content management system (CMS), which separates the very source of truth content creation and management process from the presentation layer. This allows content creators to focus on creating high-quality, modular content components that can be easily reused and repurposed for different use cases.

One of the key benefits of composable content is its ability to support omnichannel customer experiences well. By creating modular content components, organizations can deliver personalized content experiences across different channels, such as websites, mobile apps, chatbots, and voice assistants. This approach allows organizations to create a consistent brand experience across multiple touchpoints, while still tailoring the content to the specific needs of each channel.

Composable content also offers benefits in terms of agility and scalability. By creating content components that can be easily combined and reused, organizations can rapidly iterate and test different content strategies, without having to start from scratch each time. This approach also makes it easier to scale content production, enabling content creators to create high-quality components that can be used across multiple campaigns and initiatives.

What is composable commerce?

Composable commerce is a modern approach to e-commerce that emphasizes the use of modular, interchangeable components to create a customized shopping and customer experience together. It is a commerce strategy that allows organizations to create a flexible, agile commerce architecture by breaking down their e-commerce platform into smaller, modular components that can be combined and recombined as needed.

One of the key benefits of a composable approach to commerce is its ability to support rapid innovation and experimentation. By using modular, interchangeable components, organizations can quickly test and iterate different commerce strategies, without having to start from scratch each time. This approach allows businesses to respond quickly to changing customer needs and market trends, and to create highly customized shopping experiences that can differentiate them from their competitors.

Composable commerce also allows organizations to optimize their commerce architecture for specific channels and touchpoints, with features such as mobile apps, social media, voice assistants, and chatbots.

Composable CMS and Tech Stack Migration Challenges to Expect

What are the challenges of migrating from a monolithic platform to a composable stack?


Challenge #1: Legacy Systems

One of the main challenges of migrating from monolithic technologies to a composable stack is dealing with legacy systems. In many cases, businesses have invested significant time and resources into developing their existing monolithic application platform. These systems may be deeply integrated into the business's processes, making it difficult to simply replace them with new components.

Solution: A phased approach

To address this challenge, businesses can adopt a phased approach to migration. This involves breaking the migration down into smaller, manageable steps, such as migrating individual components, legacy applications, or services. By taking a gradual approach to incremental migration, businesses can minimize disruption to their existing systems while still making progress toward a composable architecture.

Challenge #2: Organizational Change

Another challenge of migrating to a composable stack is the need for organizational change. Composable architectures require a different mindset and skill set than monolithic platforms. This means that businesses may need to invest in training and development to ensure that their staff is equipped to work with the new architecture.

Solution: Investment in training and development

To address this challenge, businesses can invest in training and development programs for their staff. This can include courses on new programming languages and development methodologies, as well as hands-on training with the new composable solution architecture. By investing in training and development, businesses can ensure that their staff is equipped to work with the new composable solutions stack.

Challenge #3: Integration

A third challenge of migrating from monolithic architecture to a composable stack is integration. Composable architectures rely on a wide range of services and components, which can make integration complex and time-consuming.

Solution: API-first approach

To address this challenge, businesses can adopt an API-first approach to development. This involves designing and developing APIs that allow different components to communicate and interact with each other. By taking an API-first approach, businesses can simplify the integration of new features and ensure that their components are able to work together seamlessly.

Challenge #4: Security

Finally, migrating to a composable stack can present security challenges. Composable system architectures are typically more complex than monolithic platforms, which can make them more vulnerable to security threats.

Solution: Security by design

To address this challenge, businesses can adopt a security-by-design approach to development. This involves designing security measures into the architecture of a new system from the outset, rather than retrofitting them later. By adopting a security-by-design approach, businesses can ensure that their composable architecture design system is secure from the ground up.

How can WebriQ help you overcome the above challenges?

  • In essence, WebriQ is a composable stack competence center – we started our journey in 2017 when the stack was not even named properly. Netlify and Vercel (Zeit at that time) were tiny, headless CMS was an unknown quantity and Static websites seemed like something from the middle ages. Database-driven monoliths were dominating the industry. We started out with Static Site generators, like Roots and Spike, over Gatsby to end up deciding that React frameworks like NextJS were the way to go forward. We started with GIT-based CMS systems and we experimented with Contentful, Strapi, and StackShift UI. And finally, we ran projects on Netlify and Vercel to create seamless workflows for the digital assets created.
  • WebriQ has crystallized this experience and expertise into an out-of-the-box solution for composable stack implementations. And although this may seem like a contradiction in terminis, it really enables an organization to tackle the challenge of migration of legacy systems. With our StackShift solution, you can have very much a phased approach when migrating off your legacy systems and start small and adapt and learn the new stack as you move along. Get a Sandbox account.
  • WebriQ has a deep understanding of integration and is basically capable of gluing your stack together into a single workflow that can be managed by content managers, marketers, editors, and digital marketers without the need to go and engage developers in the process. To name a few:
    • OpenAI API integration with StackShift or any headless content model
    • E-commerce platform integrations with WebriQ Commerce, Bigcommerce, and MedusaJS
    • Data democratization through Hasura
    • Serverless forms and payment forms through AWS and WebriQ Serverless Forms

WebriQ is the ideal partner when it comes to migrating from a legacy system to a composable stack, and the ideal partner to guide you in transitioning to a modern stack that suits your and your customers' business needs.

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